Symptoms and How to Prevent Brain Cancer

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Brain cancer is one of the deadly and dangerous disease. Brain cancer affects the brain in the outer layers of the lining of the three parts of the brain and the skull. Basically a cancer that attacks the generally cancer / benign tumor. But the part that is a brain attack, it is very dangerous. Because it can damage and disrupt the function of the structure of the central nervous system located within the skull cavity. With the development of the brain tissue, the tumor will be more depressed. And to know the volume of cranial cavity is so limited that cause head pain or dizziness. If it is felt, then it is likely an early symptom of brain cancer.

Here are some of the symptoms of brain cancer we need to know:

- Headaches are often accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
- Ability decreased vision.
- Changes in behavior or decreased consciousness
- The disorder at the time of speaking
- The hearing impaired
- Impaired balance
- Disorders of the nervous
- Limbs weakened or seizures
- The emergence of a menonjal crown and large babies

From the point above is a symptom of brain cancer, although the symptoms we have experienced is not necessarily your diseased brain cancer. But it would be a good idea to consult a neurologist immediately in order to ascertain whether you are really suffering from cancer of the brain or not.

Causes of brain cancer is generally divided into two factors namely:

Factor of the

That is a factor that comes from within themselves or factors of heredity. If one of your relatives have a history of brain cancer, then chances are you also may be affected brain cancer. Then the causes of brain cancer due to a clash of heads ever experienced by the patient, so that the collision was caused feelings of trauma to the brain tissue and cause abnormal growth of tissue in the brain which then develop into brain cancer.

External factors

Factors resulting from food and radiation. Then the influence of certain drugs that are taken continuously. Smoking, makananan fatty and so is also the factor of brain cancer. Karsiogenik Ingredients: cooking oil used repeatedly, chemicals ingested
Radiation: radiation exposure in certain waves can trigger the growth of cancer cells.

Action should we do to prevent the occurrence of brain cancer are:

Avoiding the use of chemicals

Chemicals and chemical exposures potentially major impact on a person's brain damage, so you are advised to avoid the procedure for dealing with chemicals. The chemicals that are familiar with your daily life is vinyl chloride which is used in plastics, formaldehyde is used as a preservative, and acrylontrile used in the textile industry. Radiation from nuclear reactors can also cause brain cancer. People whose job requires you to interact with chemical and nuclear, should be routinely tested for brain cancer doctor.

Eating anti-cancer foods

Garlic and foods containing omega-3 fatty acids help in the prevention of brain cancer. Garlic contains anti-cancer substances that can help control the tendency kenker in the cells of your body. Sources of omega 3 fatty acids such as walnuts and flaxseed oil. It helps the body in improving immunity and ability to fight cancer.

Avoid smoking and alcohol

One of the main causes of cancer are all kinds of unhealthy habits such as smoking and alcohol consumption. Cancer can spread to any part of the body, such as lung cancer can also spread to the brain and cause brain cancer. So, avoid smoking and drinking to stop the growth of brain cancer in your body.

The use of mobile phones

Many studies have shown that the frequency of cell phone use that is too long can also cause brain cancer. So, you are advised not to take a call over the phone for over 15 minutes without headphones to reduce the risk of brain cancer.

That was a few points above in preventing the occurrence of brain cancer. Hopefully the information we provide benefits for us all. Discussion for info on chronic gastritis please see here.

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