Symptoms of Brain Cancer

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Symptoms of brain cancer is not easily detected by naked eye, because the cancer occurs in the brain tissue. But, there are some symptoms or indications that are common in a person exposed to attack cancer. Although it is not entirely the following symptoms indicates that a person has brain cancer or not. It is better to immediately see a doctor experts to ensure the following symptoms including symptoms of brain cancer or not.

1. Prone to headaches - If you feel any pain in the head on a continuous basis, you should direct to the doctor, to see if it was normal headache or a symptom of brain cancer.

2. Easy nausea - Too often nausea is also one of the symptoms of brain cancer.

3. Body feels weak - Someone brain cancer usually frequent limp body, while not doing the job that is too heavy. Things like this need extra attention and must be in the look out.

4. It's hard to walk - a condition difficult to walk normally in alamai by people with brain cancer. This is caused by the presence of cancer cells that inhibit the brain's performance.

5. Reduced hearing and vision

6. Legs and arms felt dead

7. hard to concentrate

8. Memory impairment

9. Often feel sleepy that is not normal

10. If the patient is a woman, usually abnormally stops menstruation

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