An excellent remedy for goitre
Thin, dark complexioned persons
Loss of flesh with great appetite
Hungry with much thirst
Better after eating Iodum CM One dose every night for four days Repeat after 4 months if necessary
It should be tried if Iodum fails Bromium CM One dose every night for four days Repeat after 4 months if necessary
It should be tried if Iodum and Bromium fail Thyroidin 3X Every 8 hours 1 month.
The action of this remedy should be carefully watched, and it should be stopped on any sign of over-action occuring
For non toxic and exophthalmic goitre
Goitre with obesity Fucus vesiculosus Q 20 drops in water 3 times daily 3 month
For painful hard goitre Calcarea flour. 1M One dose every 2 weeks 4
Thyroid enlargement about the
time of puberty Calcarea iodide 3X 4 grains every 4 hours 3 months
Goitre at puberty and pregnancy Hydrastis canadensis Q 10 drops in water 3 times daily 1 month
Goitre with stinging and burning pain
in breasts, stomach and uterus Lapis albus 6 Every 6 hours 1 month
Thyroid gland swollen
Clears throat constantly Spongia tosta 3 Every 4 hours 3 months
Small tumor like swelling on the right side
Tense, smooth, shining appearance Lycopodium clavatum 1M One dose every 2 weeks 4
Exophthalmic goitre with heart trouble Lycopus virginicus 30 Every 8 hours 1 month
Simple goitre in fat persons
Sweating on the head and neck Calcarea carb. 200 Every 4 hours Until improvement starts
In the early stages
Exophthalmic goitre with emaciation
Weakness, trembling, palpitation and sleeplessness
Thirst and craving for salt Natrum muriaticum 200 One dose once in a week 3 months
Biochemic medicine
Specific for goitre Calcarea flour 12X 4 grains every 4 hours 3 months
Obesity, specially in children and
young people
Sweating on the forehead which wets
the pillow when sleeping Calcarea carb. 200 One dose every week 8
A specific remedy for obesity
Try this remedy when Calcrea carb fails Fucus vesiculosus Q 10 drops in water 3 times daily 3 months
An excellent remedy for obesity Phytolacca berry Q 10 drops in water 3 times daily 3 months
Obesity, while flesh decreases, muscles
become harder and firmer Calotropis Q 5 drops in water three 3 daily 3 months
Tendency to obesity, specially in
females with delayed menstruation Graphites 200 One dose every week 8
Obesity due to uterine problems
Mild, gentle, yielding disposition Pulsatilla nigricans Q 10 drops in water 3 times daily 3 months
Due to imperfect function of thyroid gland Thyroidinum 200 One dose once in a week 8
Fat body, large buttocks, thin legs Ammonium mur. 30 Every 8 hours
3 months
Obesity after menopause Calcarea arsenica 3X Three times daily months
Great debility
Exhaustion and restlessness
with nightly aggravation
Great exhaustion after the
slightest exertion Arsenicum alb. 200 Every 8 hours 4
Melancholic and apprehensive
Great craving for sweets
Trembling with great debility Argentum nitricum 30 Every 4 hours 8
Great weakness and weariness
Most weakness felt in the morning in bed
Dry mucous membranes
Lips and corners of mouth dry,
ulcerated and cracked
Craving for salt Natrum mur. 6 Every 4 hours 4
Prostration of mind and body
Icy cold and sweaty feet
offensive sweat on feet, hands and axillae
Symptoms worse by cold Silicea 200 Every 4 hours 4
An excellent remedy for addison’s disease Adrenalin 30 Every 4 hours 8
Weariness and sudden loss of strength with fainting
Sickly yellow colour of face
Sunken eyes and features
Brown, dark spots on different parts of the body
Icy coldness of limbs with trembling
Frequent yawning and stretching
Headache, vertigo and sleeplessness
Burning cutting pain in stomach with
nausea and vomiting Phosphorus 200 Every 8 hours 4
Intercurrent remedy
Intercurrent remedy Bacillinum 200 One dose once in a week 8
An excellent remedy for hypoglycemia
Irritability, confusion and possible coma Alumina silicate 200 One dose once in a week 8
Also give sugar in any form