Fissures/ Eruptions
Cracks at the tip of fingers
Cracks on the back of hands Petroleum 200 Every 8 hours 2
Eruptions around fingers Psorinum 200 Every 8 hours 2
Chapped finger tips Ranunculus bulbosus 30 Every 4 hours 8
Pain , inflammation, swelling
Arthritic pain Antimonium crudum 200 Every 4 hours 6
Gouty swelling of joints of fingers Calcarea flour. 30 Every 4 hours 8
Fingers swollen, insensible in chronic rheumatism 30 Calcarea sulph. 8
Traumatic neuralgia
Crushed fingers , especially tips
Nerve pain
Neuralgia of fingers, toes, nails Hypericum perforatum 200 Every 4 hours 6
Fingers blue and numb, icy cold Aconitum napellus 200 Every 4 hours 6
Dropsy in hands with numb fingers Apis mellifica 200 Every 4 hours 6
Icy coldness of tip of fingers
Liver sluggish Chelidonium majus 30 Every 4 hours 8
Tingling, burning and numbness Hypericum perforatum 200 Every 4 hours 6
Sensory and mortar paralysis of fingers
Cannot hold anything in hand
Paralysis ascending from toes upwards Phosphorus 200 Every 8 hours 2
In chronic rheumatism
Tingling sensation in hands and fingers
on grasping anything Rhus toxicodendron 200 Every 4 hours 6
Paralytic weakness
Drops things
Fingers jerk when holding things
Typist’s paralysis Stannum metallicum 30 Every 4 hours 8