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Ulcers on heels            Allium cepa     30        Every 4 hours  8
Ulcers on the heel with burning pain  Arsenicum album        200      Every 4 hours  6
 Fissures on the heels  Antimonium crudum   200      Every 4 hours  6
Cracks in heels            Graphites         6          Every 4 hours  6

Heel painful on standing
Cramps in calves and soles
Big toe painful and swollen    Ammonium carb.        6          Every 4 hours  6
Pain in heels
Stitching pain in heels with itching     Aristolochia milhomens          3X       Every 4 hours  8
Pain in heels    Aranea diadema          200      Every 4 hours  6
Pain in heel as if ulcerated on standing          Berberis vulgaris         30        Every 4 hours  8
Pain in heel
Stitches in sole
Burning pain in great toe
Inflammation of balls of toes  Borax  30        Every 4 hours  8
Tearing pain in the left heel    Calcarea causticum     30        Every 4 hours  8
Severe pain in heels     Calcarea flour. 1000    Every 2 hours  4
Chelidonium majus
Gout in heel
Cannot bear to have it touched or moved      Colchicum autumnale             30        Every 4 hours  8
Burning sore pain in heels
Worse sitting or standing and by a cold bath
Better by moving about and warmth  Cyclamen        30        Every 4 hours  8
Pain in right heel         Kali carbonicum          200      Every 8 hours  4
Heels do not touch the floor while walking
Walks on front part of feet     Lathyrus sativa            30        Every 4 hours  8
Heels and soles tender                        Medorrhinum 
Gout of heels, accompanied with diabetes     Phaseolus        30        Every 4 hours  8
Aching of heels, relieved by elevating feet
Pain like electric shock            Phytolacca dec            30        Every 4 hours  8
Boring pain in heels toward evening  Pulsatilla nigricans      30        Every 4 hours  8
Acute pain in the heels
Pulsative stitches in the left heel when standing        Ranunculus bulbosus  30        Every 4 hours              8
A specific remedy       Ruta graveolens          6X       Every 2 hours  8
Tearing in the heels
Sprained pain in the ankles
Boring in the great toe                        Silicea  200      Every 8 hours  4
Pain in the soles and feet        Tartaric acid    200      Every 4 hours  6
Stinging pain in the heels,worse when sitting             Valeriana         30        Every 4 hours  8                                 

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