Types of skin diseases

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Types of skin diseases
Disorders of the skin often occurs due to various causes, among other factors, namely the climate, the environment of the residence, less healthy life habits, allergies, etc. Some types of skin disorders among others are: list of skin diseases

1. Eczema (ekzema)
Marked with a reddish, scaly skin, chapped, feels itching especially at night (eczema), arise small bubbles containing water or pus, swelling, blisters, it appears red, very itchy and it feels excessive heat and cold to the skin (moist eczema). Body parts are often attacked eczema are hands, feet, thighs, folds and ears.
Eczema caused due to allergic to certain chemicals such as stimuli found in detergents, soaps, cosmetics and medicines, sensitivity to certain types of food such as shrimps, fish, eggs, chicken meat, alcohol, MSG (MSG), and others. Eczema can also be caused due to the plant's pollen allergies, dust, rangangan climate, even the disruption of emotions. Eczema more frequently attacked on talented people who are allergic to it. This disease often occur repeatedly or relapse. Therefore it must be considered to avoid things or materials that can cause allergies. types of skin diseases with pictures

2. Mange (Skabies)
Caused by parasitic mites are itchy/Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis IE. Scabies are more common in areas of bad higienisnya and attacked the less maintain the cleanliness of her body. The symptoms that arise include: a great itching occurs at night, itching occurs mainly on the sidelines of the fingers, under the armpits, genitals, waist, around the elbows, aerola (the area surrounding the nipple), and the front surface of the wrist. The disease is easily transmitted to others directly, for example in contact with sufferers, or indirectly, such as through a towel or clothes.

3. Ringworm
A skin disease caused by a fungus. Among other symptoms, namely; the skin becomes thick and embossed circles, flaky, moist, juicy, and feels itchy, then embossed patches of whitish. Ringworm usually arise due to lack of hygiene of the skin. Body parts are usually of developing ringworm i.e. nape, neck, and scalp. types of skin diseases in children

4. Ulcers (Furunkel)
Boils are skin infections include bumps, looked flushed, which will enlarge, contain pus and feels the heat, can be grown in all parts of the body, but usually grows in moist parts of the body, such as the neck, fold your arms, or folds of the thighs, scalp. Boils are caused due to bacterial infection Stafilokokus aureus on the skin through hair follicles, sebaceous glands, sweat glands, which then cause local infections. Factors that increase the risk of developing ulcers, among others, poor hygiene, infected wounds, diabetes, weakening of cosmetics that clog the pores, and the use of chemicals.

5. Measles (Rubella)
Acute infectious disease caused by a virus, and usually attack children. The symptoms of this disease are fever, sneezing, runny nose, headaches, body feels lethargic, not eating, talking lust and inflammation of the eye. After a few days the symptoms of Red itchy rashes arise, grow, spread to several parts of the body. types of skin diseases and their treatment

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