Epilepsy Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis

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epilepsy disease definition
epilepsy disease definition
epilepsy disease symptoms Epilepsy is a neurological disease that poses a surprise attack chronically repetitive unprovoked. The word ' epilepsy ' comes from the language of Greece (Epilepsia) which means ' attack '. Because epilepsy is caused by its normal activity is not brain cells, seizures can affect your brain coordination process. Seizures can produce: a temporary Confusion, uncontrollable stamping Motion on the hands and feet, Lost consciousness in total. Differences in symptoms that occur depending on the type of seizures. In many cases, people with epilepsy are likely to have this type of seizure the same every time, so the symptoms that occur will be the same from Genesis to the scene.

The cause of Epilepsy: genetic Influences, Trauma to the head, a medical Disease, dementia, injuries before giving birth, the progression of the disease. In addition here are some Factors that may increase the risk of epilepsy are: age, gender, family Records, head injury, Stroke and other vascular diseases, infections of the brain, prolonged seizures in children.

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