Lung Diseases: Types and Causes of Common Condition

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lung disease list
lung disease list
lung disease symptoms The lungs are the organs of the respiratory system (respiration) and is associated with the circulatory system (circulation) vertebrate breathes with the air. Its function is to Exchange oxygen from the air with carbon dioxide from the blood. The process is called "external respiration" or breathing. The lungs also have a function nonrespirasi. Medical terms related to the lung often begin at pulmo-, from the Latin word pulmones for lungs.

Pneumotoraks (lung leak) is a State in which a thoracic filled the air. (read efeusi pleural effusion, fluid-filled cavity, this air-filled reply). our lungs as air pockets which are in a sealed chest cavity. If the paru2 is leaking, then it becomes deflated lung and wrote about air breathe through a hole in the lung will come out they will leak out and into the chest cavity yg should vacuum (negative pressure). Now that is the definition.

Factors Cause Lung Leak

Because there is a high pressure in the chest cavity (in the lung), for example when coughing hard, mengejan or lifting heavy objects or asthmatics. In addition there is a lung membrane which encloses the weakness e.g. due to pulmonary TB (often), there is a thin membrane of pulmonary disorders (fish eye) called Blebs or bulla wrote easily erupt. It could also be without antecedent disorders called primary pneumotoraks, a regular at the young men, skinny, tall.

Signs and symptoms of lung disease leak that may arise: fatigue, chest tightness, shortness of breath, Breathing rapidly, fast heartbeat, chest pain that is sharp and sudden, Have Blue or purple on the skin and mucous membranes due to the lack of oxygen (cyanosis).

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