Devil Tree

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 The Devil Tree grows up to 20 metres high. It has a furrowed trunk and whorled leaves. It has abundant milky sap. The leaves are shiny in nature. The white flowers are numerous, crowded, borne in cymes. The fruits are slender and cylindric. Seeds are about 4 mm long, with ciliate hairs, on the ends. The tree grows in thickets and forests.


* As a tonic. Helps in eliminating worms from the body.
* Increases the secretion of milk in nursing mothers.

* Reduces or eliminates fever.
* Can be used in chronic diarrhea and dysentery, asthma and cardiac problems.
* Medicine for boils, ulcers and muscular pains, and rheumatic swellings.
* Relieves earaches.
* For the deficiency of Vitamin B1.
* For certain skin diseases.


* The bark of the tree, in decoction, is used to take care of the first four ailments listed under Medicinal Use.
* The latex is used as a poultice for boils, ulcers, muscular pains and rheumatic swelling. When mixed with olive oil, one or two drops in the ear relieves earache.

* The decoction of the young leaves is recommended for deficiency of Vitamin B1.
* The dried leaves in powder form are also used for ulcers and skin diseases.


* The bark, latex, and the leaves.


30 grams in 1 litre of water, 3 to 4 cups a day.

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