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There are many mother tinctures used very effectively for constipation. Some of them are given below
ABROMA AUGUSTA Q- Stool is hard, brownish black in color.Has to strain much before defecation. Distension of abdomen. A feeling of emptiness in the stomach with unusual appetite. Dryness of mouth with increased thirst for cold water. Dryness of lips
AEGLE MARMELOS Q- Constipation . Piles. Flatulence , wind comes out with loud noise, worse in afternoon. No desire for food
ANDROGRAPHIS PANICULATA Q- Constipation alternating with diarrhea. Frequent urging for stool without evacuation. Heaviness of abdomen without any hungry feeling. Stool is hard and black in color
ATISTA INDICA  Q- Constipation and watery diarrhea during the whole period of fever. Pale earthly stool. Bloody mucous stool with or without force
AZADIRACTA INDICA Q- The stool is hard and knotty. Ineffectual urging. Flatulence of abdomen with twisting pain . Clutching pain in umbilical region. Putrid taste in mouth. Thirstlessness with bitter taste in mouth and with increased salivation
CASCARA SAGRADA Q- It is a specific remedy for constipation. Chronic indigestion . Piles and constipation
JANOSIA ASOKA Q- Obstinate constipation. Passes stool every third or fourth day . Constipation with bleeding piles. Nausea with bilious vomiting. Desire for sweets and sour things and aversion to milk. Dryness of mouth with excessive thirst for large quantities of  water at a time
JUSTICIA ADHATODA Q- Obstinate constipation
NYCTANTHES ARBORTRISTIS Q- Constipation accompanying nausea. Tongue thick and white coated. Along with constipation there is headache
TERMINALIA CHEBULA Q- Stool very hard, passes only in small quantities at a time. There is frequent desire foe defecation but only small quantities come out during defecation. Profuse sweating during defecation. Sensation of fullness in rectum although there is no faecal matter
CASTOR OIL– Castor oil in one drop dose is a specific purgative

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