Beware of Rubella Virus For Pregnant Women
By -
September 26, 20122 minute read
Not only virus that haunts Toxoplasma pregnant women, but there is a virus that Rubella is also very dangerous for pregnant women. Rubella Virus attack is not just pregnant women, but the effects caused by these viruses should be wary of pregnant women because it can cause miscarriage, impaired fetal growth, up until the time of the birth abnormalities. And finally, while there are allegations that the Rubella virus that attacks pregnant women can cause a child to develop autism.
For that before planning a pregnancy you should first detect the presence or absence of the virus in the body by doing a series of tests called TORCH test. But for a woman who has been exposed to rubella virus during pregnancy before getting pregnant so instead he has immunity to the virus, the mother's immune to Rubella virus that came out of it with so ketubuh fetus, the fetus will not be exposed to Rubella until then the child was born and one year old.
Rubella or German Measles commonly referred to different measles which only attacks the respiratory tract and sometimes attack the nerve cells as well. Rubella can affect the nerves or parts of the brain which then gets new skin manifestation characterized by a red rash like measles Rubella biasa.Virus usually live in areas of tropical, subtropical, or also the area that has the spring. This virus will die in cold temperatures is -20 degrees Celsius, and the incubation period of the virus is mild flu symptoms to appear red spots may occur during the period 7 to 20 days.
The virus does not require an intermediary in the transmission, but through patient saliva splash or direct contact with patients, can be transmitted by air. The virus can also be transmitted through body fluids such as sweat. If a strong immune system, the virus will die, and vice versa if the weak immune system, the virus will persist in the body.
At the beginning of the adult symptoms of a mild nature did not even arise. Rash (redness of the skin) at first appear on the face and neck and then spread throughout the body, and lasts 3 days. And the palate raised red spots. For women of childbearing age can undergo serological test for Rubella. Vaccinations should not be given when the mother is pregnant or for people who have impaired immune systems due to cancer, corticosteroid therapy or radiation. If you do not have antibodies, and a new immunization may be pregnant 3 months after injection.