Rubella and Pregnancy
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September 26, 20124 minute read
Rubella or more commonly known as German measles is an acute viral disease that attacks both children and adults, including pregnant women. However, the problem is an infection in pregnant women can be transmitted to the fetus that can cause disability in children.
What are the symptoms of rubella?
Red spots caused usually start from the face and spreads to the trunk. While the involved lymph nodes and enlarged lymph nodes usually located behind the ear (postauricular), neck (Suboccipital) and neck (cervical).
Compared to children, if this virus affects adults typically experience more severe symptoms. May be accompanied by inflammation of the lining of the eye (conjunctivitis), severe colds (coryza) and rheumatoid arthritis (arthritis). Arthritis is more common in women.
But generally these infections usually do not show clinical symptoms mean. Symptoms that appear only as fatigue, loss of appetite, slight fever. The virus is spread through close contact (close contact) between individuals such as with people who live at home. Coughing and sneezing can also help spread the virus if the person is already infected.
Why should be prevented before pregnancy?
If you are planning a pregnancy you should consult your health professional related to this disease. You are the blood that may indicate whether you are immune (immune) against rubella or not. If the first you've contracted the virus or been vaccinated containing components of this virus, your body will respond by forming substance memhabisi antibody to the virus. If later, you return Rubella virus, your body already recognizes. With this introduction, your body will quickly respond to kill the virus before the virus is causing disease in your body.
This antibody is a substance that can be a benchmark if your body is potent enough to be immune to Rubella virus. Normally, antibodies in your body will be tested several times. If you keep the number of antibody tests in recent times, showed infection occurred long ago and you can breathe relieved to proceed to the stage of pregnancy. But if there is a change, maybe you are still in a state of infection. Recommended that you carry out treatment before proceeding to the next stage.
However, if the result is negative, it means you have not been affected by this disease and your body is not immune. Then it is highly recommended to do Rubella vaccine at least one month before you step up to the stage of pregnancy. Rubella vaccine is usually combined with mumps and measles vaccine called MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella)
What if I was pregnant?
If you are already pregnant, but has not been tested for rubella immunity, immediately contact your health care professional. Your health care professional will test your blood as described above. If you are immune, you can continue your pregnancy in stride. However, if you are not immune, a lot of things you should consider. First, MMR vaccine can not be given if you are pregnant. What you can do is avoid exposure as much as possible against this disease.
Avoid to go out to places that you can not make sure the occupants are not attacked by the Rubella virus. Avoid also to travel abroad in the country where a lot of the Rubella virus.
Make sure your children have also been getting Rubella vaccine (MMR). Adult family members also need to follow certain that they were immune to Rubella, otherwise there is a chance for them to explain to you.
Immediately ask to be vaccinated after delivery for the prevention of pregnancy if you have not been vaccinated. The vaccine is quite safe given during breastfeeding. Just to keep in mind, you should not get pregnant again for a month (approximately 28 days) after the vaccine. It is your part to prevent pregnancy at this time.
If exposure to rubella virus occurs in the first four weeks of pregnancy in women who have not been immune, can cause fetal infection Congenital Rubella Syndrome called (CRS). Classic signs arising in the infected fetus in early pregnancy is cataracts, heart disease, deafness and other symptoms. This is due to the formation in early pregnancy the child's organs.
The factors that most determine the level of disability in infants is when the exposure to infection. If it occurs in the first 3 months, 50% of infected fetuses likely come, but if it occurs in the second 3 months, only one-third of babies infected will likely follow.
Concerning Rubella Vaccines
Rubella vaccine is usually given to children under two times, ie at age 12-15 months and 4-6 years. However, if the vaccine is given outside the time this vaccine was safe on the origin of the distance between the first and second vaccine over 28 days.
Rubella vaccine is very safe in healthy people. The vaccine is very useful for protecting exposed to rubella, especially during pregnancy. One source said his successful rate reached more than 95%.
It will probably pops redness or swelling or pain at the injection vaccine. Some people may have a fever or reddish blotches. It may also cause joint pain in a few days.
Its not advisable given the vaccine are those symptoms difficult breathing or skin disorders or a history of swelling in the mouth after rubella or MMR vaccine before. Not recommended as well in people who have diseases related to the immune system such as HIV-AIDS sufferers.