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Fever is a frequent problem among children and did little to make parenting easy to panic so directly to the pediatrician and wished speedy recovery.

So what is a fever?

Fever is a condition where the child's body temperature reached more than 38C and the process consists of three phases, namely
  1. shivering until the body temperature reaches its peak
  2. temperature settled and
  3. the temperature decreases.

Fever is also the mechanism of the body to fight the disease, due to a high temperature to kill the virus (which can increase the amount in the low body temperature). So it is better not to treat mild fever.

How can a fever?

The increase in body temperature caused by the release of small molecules in our bodies called pyrogens (substances trigger hot). This substance is also useful to mobilize white blood cells to the site of infection and the increase can be caused by pyrogen;
  1. Infection or
  2. Non infections, such as allergies, teething, malignancy, autoimmune (an error "program" in the body where the organs of our body suspected of being "enemy" and attacked by the immune system of our own) etc.

Among the above two causes, the fever is more often caused by infection, can by bacteria or viruses, is caused by a virus infection, especially in infants and children. So it can be concluded that the fever is not a disease, but a symptom .... and the symptoms will not disappear if the cause is not addressed.

So when the child is given febrifuge (Tempra, Panadol), within a few hours the heat up again, this happens because of fever-lowering medicines do not cure the disease. So what, then use fever-lowering medicine? the point is that lower the body temperature, so that the body temperature continues to rise and make the child feel comfortable (pain killer), but not to normalize the body temperature!

Once again please to remember - a fever is not an illness - a fever is a symptom and most importantly - find the cause. If the cause is a viral infection such as a cold or flu, the drug only a few times and the handle below. Do not give antibiotics because antibiotics can not kill viruses

How to overcome the fever
  • Drink a lot, because fever can cause dehydration (see "losses that can occur due to a fever").
  • Compress the child with warm water. Why not with cold water? because if given the cold water, your brain will think that the cold temperatures outside the body so that the brain will tell your body to raise its temperature by shivering that produce heat. As a result, instead of the child's body temperature dropped, but the added heat. How to compress: put the child in the bath tub with warm water bath (30-32C) or warm water wipe extensive physical child. If the child refuses, sitting in the bath tub and give toys to play with whom.
  • Give febrifuge, such as acetaminophen or paracetamol Tempra, Panadol, or paracetol, tylenol, appropriate dosage. When febrifuge given? When the temperature is above 38.5C, or if the child is uncomfortable. Let's not give fever medication if the heat is not too high (below 38.5C).

Losses that may occur due to fever
  • Dehydration Tanda2nya: ubun2 concave, a little urine when the back of his hand and pinched, his skin slowly returned. What to do: give the drink a lot, fruit juice, ice cubes or ice cream. If the child is vomiting or diarrhea, give ORS, pedialite, or if already at the age of 1 year but not like pedialit or oralit, can be pocari sweat or gatorade (which is important beverage that contains electrolytes).
  • Seizures Fever (Febrile convulsion) is rare, especially in children aged between 6 months - 3 years. Tanda2nya: loss of consciousness, his hands moving her legs in a short time (his term that thorough or generalized seizures, not just one side or arm or leg only), it usually lasts a few seconds and no more than 5 minutes. In contrast with that caused epileptic seizures (convulsions his long, should not all members of the body having a seizure, and after a seizure is unconscious) or inflammation of the brain caused by herpes simplex tanda2nya reply: only a hand moving his feet and happen in a long time, more than 10 minutes, and after a seizure patient unconscious.
Although seem frightening, febrile seizures are generally harmless, but as if the child has seizures, should be taken to the doctor. There are medications that can reduce the seizure, such as diazepam or valium which is useful to relax the muscles. But it must be given in the event of a seizure, is not useful if given before or after the seizure.

Principle in dealing with fever

Below are the things we must do if the child has a fever
  • Find out the cause of the heat.
  • Do not Panic! Generally not life-threatening fever.
  • Observe the child's behavior. If the temperature is not too high the child is still cheerful, active and want to play, then we do not need to panic.
  • Do not give febrifuge when the fever is not high.
  • Knowing when to worry and call the doctor.

When to call the doctor?

  • If the baby is younger than 3 months with dr body temperature reaches 38C or more.
  • When babies aged 3-6 months with temperature reaching 38.3C or more.
  • When infants and children older than 6 months with body temperature reaches 40C or more.
  • Do not want to drink / have become dehydrated.
  • Cried continuously.
  • Continuous sleep.
  • Convulsions
  • Shortness of breath, anxiety, vomiting or diarrhea.


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