Is the virus HIV / AIDS can be transmitted through mosquito bites ?

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Infectious AIDS is a virus called HIV. You also probably already know one of the transmission of AIDS is the transfer of the HIV virus through the transfusion of blood and needles.

 Well, blood-sucking mosquitoes always also have a "syringe" right? then, whether AIDS can also be transmitted through mosquito bites?

The answer is NO. But why? Is not mosquitoes suck blood and the blood may also occur then "move" into the body of another person who then bite?

Explanation of why mosquitoes do not transmit and spread of AIDS are:
  • The HIV virus can not "live" in the body of the mosquito. Unlike the causes of malaria and dengue fever are plasmodium (not a virus you know!) Who feel comfortable "ride" the mosquito.
  • Based peneilitan, minimal amount of blood that can "transmit" AIDS is of 0.1 ml, sufficient quantity "take" on the syringe. While the "Mosquito needle 'of such subtle, certainly not carry that much blood.

Already explain now why mosquitoes can transmit diseases like Malaria terrible and Dengue, it can transmit the disease AIDS.


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