Head remedy for alcoholism
Removes craving for alcohol Sulphuric acid Q 5 drops in water 4 times daily 3 months
To produce disgust for alcohol Angelica Q 10 drops in water 4 times daily 3 months
If Angelica Q fails it should be tried Camphor Q 5 drops in sugar of milk 4 times daily 3 months
Removes craving for alcohol Cinchona officinalis Q 10 drops in water 3 times daily 3 months
If Cinchona officinalis Q fails
it should be tried Sulphur 3 Every 8 hours 1 month
Takes away craving for alcohol Quercus Q 10 drops in water 3 times daily 3 months
Its use lessons craving for liquors
Promotes the appetite and digestion Sterculia Q 10 drops in water 3 times daily 3 months
Removes craving for alcohol Strychninum nit. 3X 3 times daily 2 weeks
Intercurrent remedy
Removes craving for alcohol Sulphur 200 One dose every 2 weeks 6
Removes hereditary tendency
to alcoholism Syphilinum 10M One dose every 2 weeks 6
Biochemic medicine
Removes craving for alcohol Kali phos 6X 4 grains every 4 hours 3 months
ALCOHOL-Bad effects of
Nervousness and giddiness after drinking
Vomiting after drinking
Total abstinence causes morning
vomiting, tremulousness
Irritable and nervous patient Nux vomica 30 Every 4 hours 1 month
Brain fag from alcoholism Avena sativa Q 30 drops in hot water 3 times daily 2 weeks
For ill effects of alcoholism Arsenicum alb. 30 Every 8 hours 2 weeks
Chronic vomiting with white tongue Antimonium tart. 6 Every 4 hours 2 weeks
To remove all bad effects of alcoholism Quercus Q 10 drops in water 3 times daily 2 weeks
Liver troubles due to alcoholism
specially beer Carduus marianus 30 Every 4 hours 2 weeks
Liver diseases from alcoholism Crotalus horridus 30 Every 8 hours 2 weeks
For renal and hepatic diseases in
chronic alcoholics Chimaphila umbellate 30 Every 4 hours 2 weeks
An excellent remedy for removing
all bad effects of alcoholism Arsenicum album 200 One dose once in a week 4
Vomiting immediately after
drinking of alcohol Petroleum 30 Every 4 hours 2 weeks
Nausea and vomiting after drinking
beer, specially in females Kali bichromicum 30 Every 4 hours 2 weeks
Talkative before and during drunkenness
Persons having bad character
Jealous, envious, inclined to violent
crimes, induced to kill others Lachesis 200 One dose once in aweek 1 month
Cannot digest even small quantity
of food without taking alcohol Sulphuric acid 30 Every 4 hours
2 weeks
Delirium tremens and other bad effects like mania attack
due to alcoholism Rannunculus bulbosus Q 10 drops in water 3 times daily 2 weeks
Insomnia due to alcoholism Secale cor 30 Every 4 hours 2 weeks
Patients broken down by the abuse of alcohol
Impotency, color blindness, sick headache
due to alcoholism Carboneum sulph 30 Every 4 hours 2 weeks