Remove bad effects chewing tobacco
Chilly and restless persons
Thirst for cold things
Nausea and vomiting Arsenicum alb 30 Every 4 hours 3 months
Modifies craving for tobacco
Tobacco heart and asthmatic complaints
Antidotes tobacco effects Caladium seguinum 6 Every 8 hours 3 months
Destroys the craving for tobacco
Nervous, flatulent, dyspeptic, persons China 3 Every 4 hours 3 months
Removes craving for tobacco
Severe headache and sleeplessness Daphne indica 6 Every 8 hours 3 months
Cannot bear tobacco Ignatia amara 200 One dose once in a week 3 months
Impotence in tobacco smokers Lycopodium clavatum 1M One dose every 2 weeks 3 months
Cannot bear smell or taste of tobacco Lobelia inflate Q 10 drops in water 3 times daily 3 months
Rapid heart action of smokers Lycopus virginicus 30 Every 4 hours 3 months
Excessive muscle weakness in tobacco smokers Muriatic acid 30 Every 4 hours 3 months
Removes craving for tobacco
Acidity headache and nausea
in tobacco smokers Nux vomica 30 Every 4 hours 3 months
Blindness due to tobacco
Unable to read by candle light
Sexual weakness due to tobacco Phosphorus 30 One dose once in a week 3 months
Optic neuritis in tobacco smokers
Diplopia and cloudy vision Plumbum aceticum 3 4 grains every 4 hours 3 months
Causes an aversion to tobacco
Depression and insomnia of chronic nicotinism Plantago major Q 10 drops in water 3 times daily 3 months
Neuralgia and dyspepsia of tobacco smokers Sepia 1M One dose every 2 weeks 3 months
Removes craving for tobacco Tabacum 1M One dose once in a week 3 months
Heart distress in tobacco smokers Spigelia 3 Every 2 hours 8
Irritable heart of tobacco smokers Strophanthus hispidus Q 10 drops in water 3 times daily 3 months
Craving for tobacco Staphysagria 10M One dose every 2 weeks 3 months
Biochemic medicine
Granular sore throat in tobacco smokers Calcarea phos 3X 4 grains every 4 hours 3 months