A specific remedy for backache Tellurium 10M Every 2 hours 2
Backache from overexertion Arnica montana 30 Every 2 hours 8
With restlessness and sleeplessness
Backache from uterine affections Actea racemosa 30 Every 2 hours 8
Backache in pregnant woman
Sense of weakness in the back Kali carb. 200 Every 6 hours 4
Intense neuralgic backache Variolinum 200 Every 8 hours 2
Backache with oxalates in urine Oxalic acid 200 Every 4 hours 4
Backache with scanty urine Terebinth 30 Every 2 hours 8
Backache with piles
Due to straining by sacro iliac
by hard work
Better from standing Aesculus hip. 30 Every 2 hours 8
Dull pressure, sticking and tearing
across loins and urinary passages
Worse by motion Colchicum 30 Every 2 hours 8
Backache as from fatigue
Violent pain in sacro-lumbar region
Slightest movement may cause
vomiting and cold clammy sweat
Sensation of heavy weight at coccyx,
dragging downward all the time Antimonium tartaricum 200 Every 6 hours 4
From dry cold wind
Pain sharp or as if sprained
Pain excited by touch
The part is very sensitive Aconitum napellus 30 Every 1 hour 8
Backache from renal stones
and due to urinary troubles
Pain radiates in all directions
with numbness
Backache with numbness
during menses
Stiffness in back
Pain worse during sitting or lying,
In the morning on awakening Berberis vulgaris Q 10 drops in water every 2 hours 8
Stitches and stiffness in small of back
Worse from slightest motion and
changes of weather
Better by pressure and hard pressure Bryonia alb 30 Every 2 hours 8
From damp wet weather
Pain in small of back as after
stooping a long time Dulcamara 30 Every 2 hours 8
Backache due to nerve injury Hypericum per. 200 Every 4 hours 6
Backache due to excessive
indulgence in sex Symphytum 30 Every 4 hours 8
Pain in back in paroxysms
Cutting through loins
Extends to groins
Pain in coccyx and sacrum
extending up and down
Great difficulty in walking Kali bichromicum 3X Every 4 hours 8
Backache in lumbar region
Must sit up, cannot turn in bed
Pain as if beaten
Backache in chilly and constipated
patients who lead a sedentary life
Worse 3 to 4 a.m , motion Nux vomica 30 Every 2 hours 8
Backache from sprain, exposure to
cold weather or getting wet
in rains or over lifting etc
Pain and stiffness in small of back
Worse at rest or on first movement
Better from motion or lying on
something hard Rhus toxicodendron 30 Every 2 hours 8
Lumbago alternating with headache Aloe socotrina 30 Every 2 hours 8
From dry cold
Worse on the approach of storms Rhododendron 30 Every 2 hours 8
Pain back and sacrum
Worse while sitting Cobaltum 30 Every 2 hours 8
Pain all over the back
Better from pressure
and lying on back
Lumbago worse morning
before rising Ruta graveolens 30 Every 2 hours 8
For many years I suffered from intense back pain which sometimes could not move. I practiced judo for more than 15 years of my life and at the end, back pain took me to all kinds of physical activity. A year ago my pains disappeared after using Doctor James herbal mix medicine thanks to his-natural treatment I found on the internet which anyone can contact him on his Email@drjamesherbalmix@gmail.com. At least his treatment cured me completely. Hopefully it will be helpful for you as it happened with me. Dr. James herbal medicine is made of natural herbs, with no side effects, and easy to drink. If you have the same Backache or any type of human illness, including HIV / AIDS, herpes cancer,Ovarian Cancer,Pancreatic cancers, bladder cancer, bladder cancer, prostate cancer, Glaucoma., Cataracts,Macular degeneration,Cardiovascular disease,Autism,Lung disease.Enlarged prostate,Osteoporosis.Alzheimer's disease,psoriasis ,Tach Diseases,Lupus,
ReplyDeleteDementia.kidney cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, skin cancer and skin cancer.testicular Cancer, , LEUKEMIA, VIRUSES, HEPATITIS, INFERTILITY WOMEN / LOTTERY.CONTACT EMAIL : drjamesherbalmix@gmail.com WHATSAPP: +2348152855846