Freckles, sometimes called ephelis, are clusters of concentrated melanin which are most often visible on people with a fair complexion. Freckles do not have an increased number of melanin-producing cells (melanocytes), but instead have cells that overproduce melanin granules changing the coloration of the skin (increased number of melanosomes). This also causes the different skin tones among humans
Homoeopathic medicines
1. Badiaga 30- Freckles anywhere on the skin
2. Kali carb. 200- Discoloration of facial sin specially after childbirth or loss of vital fluids
3. Lycopodium 2000- Freckles on the face and nose
4. Natrum carb. 200- Yellow spots on the face. Blue ring around the eyes
5. Sepia 10M—Yellow blotches on the face. Yellow about the mouth. Saddle like brown distribution on the nose and cheek. Circumscribed discolored skin spots in young women
6. Thuja occ. 200—Dry skin. Circumscribed brown spots on the face and elsewhere, on the skin