Miliaria is another name for sweat rash. Miliaria arises from obstruction of the sweareet ducts. It is commonest in hot, humid conditions but may occur in desert regions. It affects up to 30% of people exposed to these climatic conditions. However, there is a striking variation in individual susceptibility. Very young infants are especially prone to it. Miliaria may begin within a few days of arrival in a tropical climate but is maximal after 2-5 months.
Homoeopathic medicine
1. Aethusa- 6-The inner thighs become red and sore when walking, as the patient perspires very freely
2. Causticum-200- Soreness in skin folds ,especially between the thighs
3. Clematis-30-Rawness due to moist eruptions. Washing aggravates the condition
4. Grhsaphites-6- The skin between the thighs and in the bends of limbs becomes sore , red, moist and cracked. Worse at night and when warm in bed
5. Petroleum-6- With psoriasis of the hands. Better in warm dry conditions