3 Tips Caring for Ear

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Many of us are often clean the ear using a cotton bud, but has long been known that clean the ear with a cotton bud is wrong. These will be explained in more detail how to care for the right ear:

  1. Do not scrape the wax using a cotton bud. Because it is not clean dirt, but increasingly pollute the ears. Dirt will be entered into the ears. The ear has its own mechanism that will automatically eject droppings. For Muslims wudoo 'is the perfect treatment for the ears.
  2. Chewing food properly is also very important, because the movement helps in the process of spending earwax. To feel in detail, try chewing gum
  3. Occasionally try to do therapy candles, because it will clean up the dirt that no ears. Learn how to do the therapy candles, then you can try it yourself at home.

Apart from the above, ane also take some tips from the article neighbors, the following tips:

  • Do not ever scratch when itchy ears. Itching can be caused by eczema or psoriasis. Immediately to the doctor to get treatment
  • The pain that arises not only because your ear problem, but could be because you are suffering from joint pain sore throat or neck. But, when you feel pain in the ears, you should consult your doctor.
  • Your hearing could be reduced due to aging. However, if the age is not the cause, immediately consult your doctor. Sudden hearing loss could be due to damage to the hair cells.
  • Listening to music loudly and for a long time can damage the hair cells. As a result, your hearing was gradually reduced.
  • When traveling by plane sometimes even ear ache. To lessen the pain, you can hold my nose and blow gently ears. Or even sometimes be the solution evaporates.
  • Do not worry about the discoloration of your earwax. Texture and color can be different for each person. Can be soft or hard, can be orange or brown. However, if it is green and thick, mark your ear infection. And it should be treated immediately. I took from Muslimdaly.net

A few tips to care for your ear

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