Facts About HIV and AIDS

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The problem of HIV / AIDS have long been an issue with that continues to suck the attention of various circles, especially the health sector. But the fact is a lot of information and understanding of these health problems are still unknown by the public further.

What and how HIV / AIDS, the following will be presented the facts about HIV / AIDS is sourced from the department of health. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is the virus that causes AIDS. HIV present in the body fluids such as blood, sexual fluids (semen or vaginal fluids that have been infected) and breast milk that has been infected. While AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a syndrome immunodeficiency caused by HIV. People who develop AIDS very easily infected by various diseases because the immune system of patients has decreased.

HIV can be transmitted to others through some reasons. First, sexual intercourse (anal, oral, vaginal) the unprotected (without a condom) with a person who has been infected with HIV. Second, Syringes / piercings / tattoos are not sterile and used interchangeably. Third, get a blood transfusion containing the HIV virus. Fourth, HIV positive mother to her baby while in the womb, during birth or through breast milk (ASI)

HIV is not transmitted through normal social relationships such as shaking hands, touching, regular kissing, hugging, use eating and drinking utensils, mosquito bites, swimming pool, use the bathroom or WC / Toilet equal to or live at home with people living with HIV / AIDS ( PLHIV). PLWHA are living with HIV or AIDS. While OHIDA (People living with HIV or AIDS) the family (kids, wife, husband, father, mother) and friends of people living with HIV or AIDS.

The vast majority (over 80%) of HIV infection affects the productive age group (15-49 years) mainly men but the proportion of women with HIV are likely to increase. Infections in infants and children, 90% occur from mother with HIV. Until a couple of years, a person with HIV do not show clinical symptoms of HIV infection. However, the person can pass on to others. After that, AIDS began to grow and show signs or symptoms.

Clinical signs of AIDS. First, the weight loss of more than 10% in 1 month. Second, chronic diarrhea that lasts more than 1 month. Third, more prolonged fever of1 month. Fourth, decreased consciousness and neurological disorders. Fifth, Dementia / HIV encephalopathy.

Minor symptoms include cough lasts more than 1 month. Dermatitis generalized itching. The existence repeatedly multisegmental Herpes zoster and recurrent yeast infections in female genitalia.

HIV and AIDS can affect anyone. But in vulnerable groups are at risk of contracting HIV causes AIDS, that is:

People who behave sexually with multiple partners without using a condom.

Injecting drug users who use needles together.

Sexual partners of injecting drug users, and infants whose mothers are HIV positive.

HIV can be prevented by breaking the chain of transmission, ie, using condoms during every sexual risk, do not use needles together and where possible not breast-feed the child when the mother is HIV positive. Until now there is no medicine that can cure Aids. But there is a cure for the HIV virus that suppresses the development of quality of life of people living with HIV is increasing. This medicine should be taken throughout life. So you should be more vigilant against the disease.


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