Signs of an Unhealthy Heart

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Recognizing the signs of an unhealthy heart is a precaution to prevent further heart trouble. Heart disease in Indonesia became the second biggest killer after cancer. Heart feed via flow to various organs of the body together with the arteries, if both these organs susceptible to interference it will cause symptoms that appear in different parts of tubuh.Tanda signs of unhealthy heart can be demonstrated in a variety of indications that appears. If you experience signs as shown below then you need to be vigilant and check-ups should see a doctor.

Signs of unhealthy heart:

1. PingsanSering shortness of breath or feeling dizzy.

More than 40 percent of women based on studies often experience shortness of breath before a heart attack occurs. Shortness of breath attack is actually a sign of cardiac symptoms. These symptoms are often overlooked and is considered the norm. Trouble breathing, sudden dizziness or fainting unnoticed is why, even in the middle of doing the job on the day-to-day ordinary. The cause of this condition due to lack of oxygen the heart. Blood flowing through the arteries to carry oxygen to the heart is not enough. Plaque buildup that makes the heart does not get enough oxygen, this is what causes the patient to feel pain when breathing deeply.

2. Sexual Disorders In Men

Erectile dysfunction and it is difficult to maintain the condition remains good erection can be a sign of a person develops symptoms of coronary heart disease. Well, if there are signs like this to come to the doctor to be a good way to anticipate heart attacks. The narrowing of the arteries around the heart or harden will impact on the blood supply to the penis, it causes people difficulty in erection.

3. Neck Pain

The signs of a sore neck as interested, and this happens constantly and also long enough to watch. Someone seldom realize that symptoms such as this had happened before they had a heart, and only realized after the patient is having a heart attack significantly. Stiff, sore, and taste as interested in the neck due to muscle tension that sometimes go unnoticed by the patient and more attention tightness or pain in the left chest.
The nerves of the heart tissue to deliver pain signals into the spinal cord that stretches up and down into the neck, shoulders and not located at one point.

4. Jaw and ear pain for no reason

Coronary heart sometimes exhibit signs and symptoms such as jaw pain that occurs suddenly without any known cause. Throughout the jaw to ear pain occurs is not clear from which source. Damaged heart tissue sends pain signals to the spinal cord, and this affects the nerves along the jaw to the ear and cause pain. The pain will spread out and not concentrated at a certain point, even sometimes felt in the shoulder and left arm.

5. Digestive disorders, such as pain and nausea.

Recognizing the signs of an unhealthy heart. The early signs of a heart attack or myocardial infarction is often characterized by gastrointestinal disorders, especially in women. Women have two times more likely than men before a heart attack such as vomiting, nausea and indigestion prolonged. This caused fatty blockages in the arteries that reduces blood flow to the heart are affected in the chest and abdomen as well, depending on which part of the heart disorder. Similarly, common signs symptoms of heart problems are often experienced by people recognize the signs of an unhealthy heart.

Healthy food for a healthy heart and strong of heart given the vital consumed very vital and vulnerable to disruption. Imagine, the heart becomes one of a frightening disease and a scourge for us, given the heart of one cause of death in Indonesia. To keep the heart healthy and strong to be loaded absolute for everyone to avoid this dangerous disease. Avoid cholesterol foods, oily foods and alkhohol and eat healthy foods for a healthy heart and strong. Regular exercise, not smoking and avoiding alcohol can indeed maintain a healthy heart. Eating nutritious food on a regular basis to maintain complete heart health optimally. Healthy lifestyle, discipline, exercise regularly, and eat healthy nutritious foods full of nutrients is the deciding factor healthy heart

Healthy food for a healthy and strong heart can not negotiable. Well, if you want to know more healthy foods and good for the heart consume the following foods, as this is great for keeping fit and strong heart. Yes, Apple one very good fruit to provide good nutrition to the heart of the phytochemical content "quercetin" which serves as an anti-inflammatory and helps prevent blood clots. Apples are rich in fiber and nutrients that are in charge of maintaining a healthy heart. So the consumption of apples every day to meet healthy nutrition for your heart. Besides apples we also need to eat more so that we do not get bored and a variety of food menu.

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