4 Ways to Eliminate Wrinkles Naturally
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December 01, 2012
Wrinkles? Who is this woman? Yes, all women are certainly not like the wrinkles on the face. To that end, four ways of eliminating wrinkles naturally be applied to make your skin look tight and fresh face. Actually a lot of ways to remove wrinkles, Botox injections can or buy expensive creams. But rather than spend a lot of money, better to use natural means no side effects.
Well, 4 natural ways of eliminating wrinkles which will be described here very easily practiced at home. Do not require expensive and time-saving clear. Here are 4 ways of eliminating wrinkles naturally:
1. Egg White
Egg whites contain a lot of vitamin E and vitamin B. Its function is to prevent premature aging and rejuvenate facial skin. How to apply by rubbing egg white on face skin, leave on for 20 minutes and wash with warm water.
2. Olive oil
Olive oil contains vitamin E, beta-carotene, vitamin C and anti-oxidants such as flavonoids, phytosterols, and phenolic. For every 1 teaspoon of olive oil, contained 10.6 percent of the daily dose of vitamin E is needed by the body. Application of olive oil is to put olive oil on the skin of the face, before bed. Let stand for 15 minutes then wash with warm water using a soft towel while drying.
3. Lemon Water
Creating a mask with lemon water is one way of 4 by eliminating wrinkles naturally. Existing acid in the lemon water will make the face brighter skin and reduce wrinkles. Lemon water is rich in potassium and vitamin C. Vitamin C is very good for preventing colds, and potassium penstimulan useful as nerve and brain and helps control blood pressure. You do this by slicing a lemon and take the water alone. Then apply water to the face that has been cleaned, set aside some time. Then wash with cold water. Do it regularly.
4. Fruit and Vegetables
Treatment to eliminate wrinkles is the best nutrition from the inside. Very good for facial skin if we consume fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin D and vitamin A. How sederhanya make fruit juice mixed with fresh vegetables.
4 how to remove wrinkles naturally above can be practiced in everyday life, because in addition to no side effects, the materials used were easily obtainable.