As a result of Vitamin A deficiency and Excess Vitamin A

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As a result of Vitamin A deficiency

1. Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) in children who are in evacuation areas can cause them vulnerable to infectious diseases, so easily hurt.

2. Children who suffer from lack of vitamin A, when stricken with measles, diarrhea or other infectious diseases, the illness will get worse and can lead to death. Infection will inhibit the body's ability to absorb nutrients and at the same time will scrape out the store of vitamin A in the body.

3. Lack of vitamin A for a long time will also result in interference with the eye, and if the child does not immediately receive vitamin A will lead to blindness.

4. Babies who are not breastfed have a higher risk to suffer KVA, because milk is a good source of vitamin A. (Gsianturi, 2004)

Deficiency (deficiency) Vitamin A, especially in children under five. Signs of deficiency reserve is seen when the body is used up. Vitamin A deficiency can be a primary deficiency due to lack of consumption, or secondary deficiency due to impaired absorption and use in the body, or because of interference with the conversion of carotene into vitamin A. Secondary vitamin A deficiency can occur in patients with Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM), liver disease, impaired absorption due to bile acid deficiency. (Suhardjo, 2002)

Other causes of VAD in infants due to lack of eating vegetables and colored fruits and less of other food sources of vitamin A such as cassava leaves, spinach, tomatoes, kale, sweet potato leaves, carrots, papaya, winged, green mustard leaves, bean leaves Katu, papaya, mango, orange, guava, fish eggs and liver. Consequently decreases the body's resistance to disease. (MOH, 2005)

Excess Vitamin A

Excess vitamin A is rare, but should be wary because of high dose continuously for prevention, can cause poisoning with symptoms: pain in the joints, headache and vomiting. (Hendra, 2006)

Excess vitamin A can only occur when consuming vitamin A as sumplemen excessive in high doses, such as RE 16,000 doses for a long time or 40000-55000 RE / day. Symptoms of excess occurs only when eaten in the form of vitamin A. Carotenoids may not cause symptoms of excess, because the absorption of carotenoids decreased when high consumption. (Suhardjo, 2002)

In order to avoid excess or deficiency of vitamin A really easy, you simply provide a complete food with nutritional value. You can give milk beverage that contains high nutrient complete. Do not give a high dose supplements carelessly, consult a physician. (Pudjiadi S, 2003)

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