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If you are prescribing mother tincture , think twice, most of our mother tinctures are found to be toxic. Eventhough physicians prescribed mother tinctures in various doses. There is no standardized rule regarding the dose of mother tinctures. Some are using 5 drops, others 10 drops- these are depend upon their practical experiences and  not based on any rule. Here Iam  explained toxic properties of some drugs

ACONITUM NAPELLUS-The symptoms appear immediately or within a few minutes after swallowing a poisonous dose of Aconite. They have a sweet taste , severe burning and tingling of lips , tongue , mouth and throat, followed by numbness and anaesthesia of the parts. Nausea , salivation , difficulty in swallowing , pain in the abdomen, and vomiting usually occur, but diarrhea is rare . Later tingling and formication spread over the whole body , causing great uneasiness to the patient. The pupils contract and dilate alternately , but finally dilate , diplopia and impaired vision is complained of. The patient complains of vertigo, restlessness , difficulty in speech , great prostration and pain and weakness of the muscles with twitching and spasms . The pulse is slow , feeble and irregular , blood pressure falls, and respirations are at first rapid, but soon becomes slow, laboured and shallow.The skin is cold and damp wiyj sub normal temperature . Death occurs usually by respiratory failure or ventricular fibrillation. In most cases consciousness is retained till near the end , but sometimes delirium or convulsions, insensibility and coma have been observed..If in haled it causes signs of bronchial catarrh . About 16 drops of Aconite Q produces alarming symptoms. More drops are found to be fatal.

BERBERIS VULGARIS- In large doses it produces restlessness, convulsive trembling, thirst diarrhea, and finally paralysis of lower extremities
CIMCIFUGA RACEMOSA – Cimcifuga produces cardiac arrhythmias , hyokalemia , hypoxia, vertigo, visual disturbances include blurring, appearance of dancing or  flickering  dots or disturbances of colour vision , headache. Neuralgic pain in extremities and calves . Some may experience tingling and numbness of lips, tip of the nose, cheeks and eras. Nausea and dizziness may also occur. Over dose during pregnancy can cause premature birth.
COCCULUS INDICUS- Bitter taste in mouth, burning sensation in the oesophagus and stomach, salivation, nausea, vomiting , profuse sweating, intoxication, lethargic stupor and unconsciousness . The respiration at first increased and after wards become slow and laboured .The pulse is usually slow. Convulsions that are incoordinated and clonic. The pupils are contracted during spasms and dilated during the interval of relaxation. Death occurs rapidly due to failure of respiration due to asphyxia or slowly from gastro- intestinal symptoms. 
HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS- Pregnant women and people with high blood pressure should avoid this drug.Excessive use for a long period may destroy beneficial intestinal organisms as well as pathogens , diminish Vit B absorption . Continues use result constipation so it is prescribed for a limited period only, a maximum of three months
HYPERICUM PERFORATUM- The toxicity is due to the presence of hypericin present in all parts of the plant. It causes photosensitization  leading  to dermatitis  on exposure to sun.It causes intense skin irritation, and soreness. There is physical exhaustion , dilated pupils ,increased action of heart, scabs or blisters on muscles, eyes , ears and feet. Abnormal respiration, high temperature, rapid pulse. In severe cases lose of sight

PODOPHYLUM PELTATUM- Abdominal pain, vomiting and purging, cramps, strangury and tenesmus, followed by collapse and sometimes accompanied by drowsiness and slight nervous symptoms
PULSTILLA NIGRICANS – Toxic doses produce nausea and vomiting with slimy diarrhea, and blood urine. The myocardium is weakened and there is oedema  of lungs and hyperaenmia of the spinal and cerebral membranes


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