Hormones are the main constituents of the human body. They act as messengers and in particular through the bloodstream to the cells, tissues and organs. They make their way gradually to a wide range of processes. Some of the main hormones are as follows:
• The overall growth and development of the body
• Metabolism
• Sexual function
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• Change in mood
The endocrine glands are the glands that produce hormones to function. Some of the major glands that produce hormones:
• Pituitary
• pineal gland
• thymus
• Thyroid
• Adrenal
• Pancreas
Diseases caused by hormonal imbalance:
Some diseases are caused by a hormonal imbalance:
• Cancer: a hormonal imbalance can lead to various cancers such as breast cancer, cervical cancer or cervical cancer. Even men with prostate cancer due to hormonal imbalance
• Autoimmune disease: an imbalance of hormones can lead to autoimmune diseases like lupus.
• Cushing's syndrome: hormonal imbalances, chronic high levels of cortisol in the body causing problems such as causing high blood pressure, weight gain, diabetes, infertility, etc.
• Acromegaly: This disease is caused by excessive production of growth hormones. In this disease, the bones grow abnormally fast. This disease is usually found in middle age.
• Hyperthyroidism: the production of the hormone thyroxin causes hyperthyroidism. This disease can cause serious problems such as nervousness, tremor, weight loss, palpitations and fatigue.
• Type 2 Diabetes: Type 2 problem is caused by insufficient production of insulin in the body. This can be done by the release of insulin by the cells. This disease is most often in people with weight problems, women with gestational diabetes and metabolic syndrome individuals tested.
The symptoms of hormonal imbalance:
Some of the symptoms of hormonal imbalance:
• fast or irregular heartbeat
• Mood swings
• nausea
• Swelling
• Changes in body odor
• Hair loss
• Tenderness of the breast
• The concentration of the end
• Pain in muscles and joints
• Urinary tract infections
• Allergies
• Infertility
The hormone is the fundamental component in the body, can lead to failure of various diseases such as tinnitus, arthritis, cancer, hypertension, cancer of the uterus, severe headache, memory loss and many other serious health problems.
The causes of hormonal imbalance:
Some causes of hormonal imbalance:
• Women who are taking oral contraceptives or medications have an increased risk of hormonal imbalance
• The use of hormone replacement therapy by mouth may also cause a hormonal imbalance. These pills contain a synthetic progestin, estrogen and progesterone cause hormonal imbalance.
• Stress is another major cause of hormonal imbalance
• Lack of hygiene and poor diet can also lead*to hormonal imbalance
• Environmental conditions
• Prolonged exposure to infected areas
• Cosmetics
Prevention and treatment of hormonal imbalances:
Here are some ways to avoid hormonal imbalance:
• Avoid the pill
• Eat a healthy and hygienic
• Avoid excessive exposure to the application of meditation
• Regular exercise helps prevent hormone imbalance
• Avoid heavy cosmetics
• The overall growth and development of the body
• Metabolism
• Sexual function
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• Change in mood
The endocrine glands are the glands that produce hormones to function. Some of the major glands that produce hormones:
• Pituitary
• pineal gland
• thymus
• Thyroid
• Adrenal
• Pancreas
Diseases caused by hormonal imbalance:
Some diseases are caused by a hormonal imbalance:
• Cancer: a hormonal imbalance can lead to various cancers such as breast cancer, cervical cancer or cervical cancer. Even men with prostate cancer due to hormonal imbalance
• Autoimmune disease: an imbalance of hormones can lead to autoimmune diseases like lupus.
• Cushing's syndrome: hormonal imbalances, chronic high levels of cortisol in the body causing problems such as causing high blood pressure, weight gain, diabetes, infertility, etc.
• Acromegaly: This disease is caused by excessive production of growth hormones. In this disease, the bones grow abnormally fast. This disease is usually found in middle age.
• Hyperthyroidism: the production of the hormone thyroxin causes hyperthyroidism. This disease can cause serious problems such as nervousness, tremor, weight loss, palpitations and fatigue.
• Type 2 Diabetes: Type 2 problem is caused by insufficient production of insulin in the body. This can be done by the release of insulin by the cells. This disease is most often in people with weight problems, women with gestational diabetes and metabolic syndrome individuals tested.
The symptoms of hormonal imbalance:
Some of the symptoms of hormonal imbalance:
• fast or irregular heartbeat
• Mood swings
• nausea
• Swelling
• Changes in body odor
• Hair loss
• Tenderness of the breast
• The concentration of the end
• Pain in muscles and joints
• Urinary tract infections
• Allergies
• Infertility
The hormone is the fundamental component in the body, can lead to failure of various diseases such as tinnitus, arthritis, cancer, hypertension, cancer of the uterus, severe headache, memory loss and many other serious health problems.
The causes of hormonal imbalance:
Some causes of hormonal imbalance:
• Women who are taking oral contraceptives or medications have an increased risk of hormonal imbalance
• The use of hormone replacement therapy by mouth may also cause a hormonal imbalance. These pills contain a synthetic progestin, estrogen and progesterone cause hormonal imbalance.
• Stress is another major cause of hormonal imbalance
• Lack of hygiene and poor diet can also lead*to hormonal imbalance
• Environmental conditions
• Prolonged exposure to infected areas
• Cosmetics
Prevention and treatment of hormonal imbalances:
Here are some ways to avoid hormonal imbalance:
• Avoid the pill
• Eat a healthy and hygienic
• Avoid excessive exposure to the application of meditation
• Regular exercise helps prevent hormone imbalance
• Avoid heavy cosmetics