Top Health Benefits of Red Wine

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The health benefits of red wine with a history of 8,000 years ago today, especially Iran, Georgia - History of Europe and Asia adhesion think for the first time, I did. It is fermented grapes. For the purposes of the vines are six types. Six grapes, and do not know the first planting.

The main grape varieties

    Cabernet Sauvignon grape is a relatively new type of wine, Century 18, no Ho said that the recent popular grapes, such as
    Chianti - in the selection of the 15th Century, in some ways the most famous Italian wine
    Merlot - Merlot dates back 100 years in France, the most cultured again a.
    Pinot Noir - in this kind of game of French wine in the Roman Empire with the Christian clergy is another example.
    Sangiovese - Tuscany Events for this kind of success in the 1700 Mar, California facility.
    Red wine - was discovered in the United States in 1830, when the wine industry in California.

Diuretics, 450 BC, the "father of modern medicine," Hippocrates, the order of the columns, the archaeological research, the use of red wine as a prerequisite for wound infection after medical purposes
, the avoidance of Red Priest, as a dietary supplement. In the 18th Century, you can drink the wine of water safety

many studies have demonstrated the benefits of red wine per year do you ever shown? If you eat a diet of moderation, most experts have health benefits; you must accept a share of health. Of course, two people, five times a day, 5 ounce glass beverage recession. When only 10 years old, a convoy of about 12 kcal 0 can be very useful than 5 ounces of wine, to remind

The health benefits of red wine

You can sleep, drink, sleep, sleep than normal, red, and if, as the main components shown, melatonin may help to understand. Antioxidants and sleeping pills to help regulate the biological clock, melatonin can prevent cancer.

It has a good heart - to consider a lot of red wine, some good and consumption. This is”good" cholesterol, elevated low-density lipoproteins to be higher because it includes the hopes, red wine, or in many cases, other persons, flavonoids, antioxidants, proteins, cholesterol is called low-density-bad. Blood thinners to prevent the risk of blood clots, as you can drink red wine.

As already mentioned, only red wine contains antioxidants and cardiovascular health, but the rest of the body other than - can reduce the risk of the disease. In fact, the damaged cells can reduce antioxidants and recovery efforts related to free radicals, macular degeneration and other diseases, diabetes and certain cancers.

It contains resveratrol, antioxidants, and connected all the best. Resveratrol in grape skins and seeds prevent Default Once cancer is found, too. But the veteran of another follows, can be a long life, a powerful antioxidant benefits. Therefore, resveratrol Alzheimer's disease and Alzheimer's disease and age-related diseases and illnesses are preventable. Including the prevention of prostate cancer in men, the benefits of red wine, resveratrol, as it drank In fact, some experts believe that in view of the half, red wine, and a cup to reduce prostate cancer risk.

In order to avoid a cold, you can switch off - drinking wine research, red wine, 20 percent of consumers have the option of the day is declining. Can the cold, drinking red wine help.

It can calm the mind - as some people after a busy day, firstly, the bottle of wine home. Red wine reduces stress and anxiety due to a natural sedative.


But a handful of vitamins and minerals, such as the inclusion of a large amount of red - red wine contains many vitamins and minerals

    Potassium, glucose, protein and nucleic acid synthesis of glycogen for energy production in heart rate, AIDS, minerals and electrolytes to maintain standards.
    Fluoride - a mineral of the enamel of the teeth at risk of tooth decay and reduce tooth decay remains strong.
    Two energy-rich foods can be converted into minerals. To help Lin, renal function, metabolism and cell proliferation and contraction of the heart muscle.
    Corona - This vitamin is able to accept the general health of the family, it is a vitamin B. Hill is also the memory function is used to study Alzheimer's support.

Other benefits - energy stimulates appetite and digestion of some of the benefits, which can return to a balanced diet.

In most cases you should drink red wine. Wine instead of the recommended amount of water if desired pregnant women, people migraines, weight loss and high triglyceride levels of support: In addition, we follow the standard red wine or a health problem of people, we recommend that you do not drink.

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