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Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that starts in the cells of the breast. A malignant tumor is a group of cancer cells that can grow into (invade) surrounding tissues or spread (metastasize) to distant areas of the body. The disease occurs almost entirely in women, but men can get it, too.
Experts are not definitively sure what causes breast cancer. It is hard to say why one person develops the disease while another does not. We know that some risk factors can impact on a woman's likelihood of developing breast cancer. These are:
 Getting older
The older a woman gets, the higher is her risk of developing breast cancer; age is a risk factor. Over 80% of all female breast cancers occur among women aged 50+ years
Women who have a close relative who has/had breast or ovarian cancer  are more likely to develop breast cancer. If two close family members develop the disease, it does not necessarily mean they shared the genes that make them more vulnerable, because breast cancer is a relatively common cancer.
The majority of breast cancers are not hereditary.
Women who carry the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes have a considerably higher risk of developing breast and/or ovarian cancer. These genes can be inherited. TP53, another gene, is also linked to greater breast cancer risk.
 A history of breast cancer
Women who have had breast cancer, even non-invasive cancer, are more likely to develop the disease again, compared to women who have no history of the disease.
Having had certain types of breast lumps
Women who have had some types of benign (non-cancerous)breast lump   are more likely to develop cancer later on. Examples include atypical ductal hyperplasia or lobular carcinoma in situ.
 Dense breast tissue
Women with more dense breast tissue have a greater chance of developing breast cancer.
Estrogen exposure
Women who started having periods earlier or entered menopause later than usual have a higher risk of developing breast cancer. This is because their bodies have been exposed toestrogen   for longer. Estrogen exposure begins when periods start, and drops dramatically during the menopause.
Post-menopausal obese and overweight women may have a higher risk of developing breast cancer. Experts say that there are higher levels of estrogen in obese menopausal women, which may be the cause of the higher risk.
Taller-than-average women have a slightly greater likelihood of developing breast cancer than shorter-than-average women. Experts are not sure why.
 Alcohol consumption
The more alcohol a woman regularly drinks, the higher her risk of developing breast cancer is. 
Radiation exposure
Undergoing X-rays andCT scans   may raise a woman's risk of developing breast cancer slightly.
 HRT (hormone replacement therapy)
Both forms, combined and estrogen-only HRT therapies may increase a woman's risk of developing breast cancer slightly. Combined HRT causes a higher risk.
 Certain jobs
French researchers found that women who worked at night prior to a first pregnancy had a higher risk of eventually developing breast cancer.
Canadian researchers found that certain jobs, especially those that bring the human body into contact with possible carcinogens and endocrine disruptors are linked to a higher risk of developing breast cancer   Examples include bar/gambling, automotive plastics manufacturing, metal-working, food canning and agriculture. They reported their findings in the November 2012 issue of Environmental Health.

CARCINOSIN 200- Start treatment with this remedy
APIS MELLIFICA 30- Cancer pain is burning and stinging. The breast is indurated.
ARSENICUM IODATUM 3X- The cancer is indurated, painful  and sensitive to touch. The glands in the axillae are swollen, hard and of the size of a walnut
ASTERIAS RUBENS 30- Ulcerative stage of the cancer. Breat is hard and  painful.The patient has red face. It acts on both the breasts but better on the left.The patient is fleshy. There is lancinating pain in the breast
BARYTA IODATUM 3X- It is useful when the cancer is hard and long standing
BELLADONNA 200-It is useful when the disease is not prolonged. Breasts feel heavy , hard, hot and red and the pain is worse from lying down
BELLIS PERENNIS Q- If the breast cancer has been caused by an injury or a blow or a bite, this is a remedy in the early stages of cancer
BROMIUM 3-Acts as a palliative in  breast cancer . Menses are clotty, too early and too profuse. Watery leucorrhea. Burning in the ovaries and uterus. Bloody milk
CALCAREA FLOUR 6X- The lump in the breast is hard and stony. The cancer may have spread to the bones. There is a stabbing pain , like the thrust of a needle
CARBO ANIMALIS 30- It is useful when the tumor is only on the nipple of the breast
CHIMAPHILA UMBELLATA  Q- Tumor is painful. Breast is very large and nipple may be secreting undue milk or blood
CONDURANGO  Q- Cancer of breasts with ulcers in the corners of mouth or cramping pain in the stomach
CONIUM MACULATUM 3X- Tumor is stony hard with burning and stinging pains. Breasts swell up at the time of menstruation
HECLA LAVA 3X- It repairs bones and tissues damaged by operation of breast
HOANG NAN Q- Removes the fetid odor. It is useful if the cancer is bleeding and revives healing process
HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS 3X- Breast cancer is accompanied by constipation and distress in the abdomen after meals. Lancinating pain in the breast.
KALI MURIATICUM 6X- A lump in the breast with a nodulated feeling accompanied with a pain now and then. There may not be any discharge of blood from the nipple which may not be retracted. Axillary glands are not affected. Bunches in the breast feel quite soft and tender
LACHESIS 200-Cancer of left breast which develops a purplish appearance. It bleeds easily and the blood is decomposed. Bleeding relives pain and suffering
PHYTOLACCA DEC Q-  Very useful for treatment of secondary tumor, metastasis , of the breast. The breast is hard and very painful to touch. It has purple hue, Axillary glands are enlarged. The menses are too copious and too frequent
SCROPHULARIA NODOSA Q- A specific remedy
SILICEA 6X-It should be given when pus has formed.There are  lumps in the breasts which suppurates and discharge thick yellow offensive pus
TARENTULA CUBENSIS 30- Cancer of breasts of very old ladies

THYROIDINUM 3X- Fibroid tumor of breast 

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